Category Archives: Posters

Social Controversy Poster

Marijuana – Legalize or Not

The purpose of these posters is to attract and invite the viewer to engage and become more informed on this controversial legal and social issue.

The “For Poster” Invites the viewer to engage the truth as it has evolved since 1970. Should the viewer choose to research the topic, they would find the majority of people in the prison system are there for drug related offenses.

Originally created and produced in 2009, the information presented is current for 2021 -2022.

This image contains bulleted points supporting the legalization of Marijuana.
Seems Normal, Legalize it!

Is legalization, de-criminalization, or both, the best overall solution for the well being of our society and our country?

The “Against Poster” Attempts to engage the viewer to make a personal choice and use good sense. If this drug was legal, would you use it? As with all other legal substances, would you use this substance in a responsible and respectful manner; and one that speaks to moderation?

It could be legal, but is it good for you.
Seems Normal. if it was legal, would you choose yo use it or at least try it.

Massage Promotional Poster

Kirby Health and Wellness is now offering Therapeutic Massage. Reserve your time today. 713.526.5252. 1603 Shepherd Dr. Houston Texas 77007. The poster portrays a man receiving a massage in a subdued, relaxed environment.
Click the image for larger view

Created for Kirby Health and Wellness, this poster was designed to promote in-house therapeutic massage services. A thirty to sixty minute massage, targeting a patient’s health issue, helps tune and relax the body prior to a chiropractic adjustment.

Image enhancement was produced in Photoshop. Illustrator became the primary tool for completing the project because of its vector scalability. The final version was exported to PDF, printed on glossy poster stock, sized at 22.5 x 36 inches, and mounted on fiberboard for an easel display in the client’s Atrium.