Current State of CSS 3
The specification has been split into different modules. The biggest change that is currently planned with CSS level 3 is the introduction of modules. The advantage to modules is that it (supposedly) allows the specification to be completed and approved more quickly, because segments are completed and approved in chunks. This also allows browser and user-agent manufacturers to support sections of the specification but keep their code bloat to a minimum by only supporting those modules that make sense. Modules are developed independently and are at different stages of development and priority.
Examples of modules include: selectors, color, fonts, text, 2d - transformations, and more. For more information on the current evolution of CSS 3 Module Development Priorities visit: W3C' site: CSS Current Work & how to participate. The site lists a Table of Specifications, priorities, and the current stage of the development process.
A continuously updated list of CSS properties can be found at Jens Meiert: CSS Properties Index. The index lists the current CSS version of support. Clicking each property links to the correct section of the W3C's current working draft.
Benefits of CSS 3
- Improved element and content targeting.
- New styling options for setting drop shadows and opacity.
- Improved support for fonts and typography.
- Allows for interactions with visual states like transformations.
Using CSS 3 Now
Although new CSS properties are being standardized and finalized, it is helpful to learn vendor specific properties and when it is appropriate to use them. The CSS specification advises against using vendor specific code due to the fluid nature of the working draft. The reality is vendor specific properties (fallbacks) are necessary if one chooses to use CSS 3 now.
To use new features and ensure browser support use, a downloadable javascript library. Allows the writing of clean code and passing the proper value to the browser based on its level of support. TheCSS 3 Generator is a great tool for tracking vendor specific code.